Tsurpu Monastery, located in the boundary of Tohlung Dechen county on
the upper reaches of the Tohlung river to the west of Lhasa, was built
by the first Kamapa Lama Dusum Kyenpa in 1187, and rebuilt in 1263 by
the Second Karmapa, Karma Pakshi (Kar-ma Pak-shi). The monastery is representative
of the Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
Tsurpu monastery is the home
of Karmapa, who is is the true 'living little Buddha' C the new reincarnated
leader of the black hat sect. From then on, it was at the beginning for
the leaders of Tibetan Buddhism to pass on the Esotericism. Karmapa told
his disciples that he would reincarnate and pointed out the location of
the second Karmapas reborn. In contrast to Yellow Caps, the Karmapa Kagye
are regarded as the Black Hat, because the Mongolian Khan Monge had given
to the 2nd Karmapa Lama a gold-rimmed black hat.